Blog Archive

Meet Jordie

Hi everyone! I'm a girl who loves to cook and bake and thought I might record and share some of my exploits. I try to make everything as all-natural and homemade as possible. Some things turn out great, other things... well, I don't really talk about the other things. Sweets and desserts are really where my heart is, but since I have (AN AMAZING!) husband to feed, I've learned to enjoy cooking as well. I foresee that most recipes I blog about will be desserts, for the simple reason that when it comes to cooking and eating dinner, taking photos is usually the last thing on my mind. My photography skills are somewhat less than amazing (ahem) but hopefully they will improve! My husband gave me a fancy new camera for Christmas, and I am still trying to figure it out. I hope that these recipes will bring as much satisfaction to you as they have brought to my household. xo